Thursday, December 27, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning, Joe. How are you this morning?
JOE: Fine. I attended the last of the Christmas parties last night and am ready to get on with the new year.
CALLIOPE: Did you get any writing done yesterday?
JOE: Yes. I did a chapter of Cynthia working on her homework list for the therapist.
CALLIOPE: What about today?
JO: This morning I plan to continue working on marketing and this afternoon another chapter, probably a therapy session.
CALLIOPE: That should be easy for you.
JOE: I expect so. But sometimes I find that scenes which are quite familiar in my own life are not so easy to write in fiction.
CALLIOPE: Why do you suppose that is?
JOE: I think my memory starts competing with my imagination and it is hard to focus on one without the other.
CALLIOPE: Interesting. How do you handle that?
JOE: I try not to worry about it and just write the best I can. I will sort out any conflicts later in my editing.
CALLIOPE: Sounds wise.
JOE: You have taught me something over the years. Well, off to work.

(St Michael's Cave- Gibraltar)

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