Monday, January 07, 2008

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning, Joe. A little late this morning, aren't you?
JOE: Maybe later than you expected. However, I had to go to Rochester this morning for a visit related to a hospital study at the University of Rochester on the relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and the flu shot.
CALLIOPE: I see. Commendable of you. What's new in the writing department?
JOE: Glad you asked. I followed through on my decision to eliminate the quotes from Dante's Inferno.
CALLIOPE: So references to the Inferno are just gone? Do you think that's a loss to your book?
JOE: Hold on. They aren't entirely gone. I put in several references in the text without using direct quotes. Two of my reviewers of The Pastor's Inferno were enthusiastic about the quotes and two found them distracting. So it seemed like a toss up and I am happy with my decision.
CALLIOPE: Then what?
JOE: I spent most of Saturday working on the manuscript and formatting it appropriately with my changes. I managed to send it in by email Saturday afternoon.
CALLIOPE: Congratulations. What's the next step?
JOE: I am waiting for them to review it and send me a template for the book cover which is pretty well completed as well.
CALLIOPE: So now it's just a matter of waiting and completing the final steps?
JOE: That's about it. Now that it's finished, I will get back to working on Marital Property and getting serious about marketing and publicity.
CALLIOPE: Good luck.
JOE: Thanks. I think I might need it. It seems like a whole new adventure.
CALLIOPE: Do you have some place to start?
JOE: I have two books and some internet information. I'm ready to start. Talk with you tomorrow.
(Sunset on Lake Erie- Dunkirk, NY)

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