Saturday, October 27, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning, Joe. How are we this morning?
JOE: I can't speak for you, but I'm doing pretty well.
CALLIOPE: What news?
JOE: In this morning's paper, the column above mine was a rant about the war and its cost financially and in human life. Right under it was mine about finding ways to get along with people.
CALLIOPE: Did you think they fit together?
JOE: To some extent. They are opposite sides of the same coin. The problem is that getting more angry does not usually incline us to find ways to get along.
CALLIOPE: Agreed. So where does that leave you?
JOE: With parallel approaches. But I guess that's okay. I will keep doing what I am doing.
CALLIOPE: And how about the book?
JOE: I'm making some progress. I started the next chapter but found I needed to do some research.
CALLIOPE: Such as?
JOE: Such as where my wife's shop is located in Edgartown. I was in one just like the one I use in the novel. I also had to scout out a restaurant for my wife and her sister to lunch at before going out to Chappaquiddick for the afternoon.
CALLIOPE: So you did get some writing done?
JOE: Yes, but not as much as I would have liked. It seems things such as arrangements for my writers group keep cropping up.
CALLIOPE: That's life unless you want to be a hermit. At least you are moving in the right direction and got something done.
JOE: I plan to do some writing today and feel in the mood to at least finish this chapter and then think over the weekend about where to head next.
CALLIOPE: Be patient with yourself. It doesn't all have to be written at once.
JOE: That's sometimes hard to remember. I guess I need to learn how to slow down and enjoy the process more. There is really no rush.
CALLIOPE: Agreed. Besides you don't want to tax your muse too much.
(Lighthouse- Nantucket)

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