Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good afternoon, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: And late afternoon at that! Where have you been all day?
JOE: Busy with my publication activity. After the letter from my editor friend yesterday, I got busy developing and implementing a strategy.
CALLIOPE: So what did you come up with?
JOE: My friend suggested I approach the editors he mentioned through an agent. So I started tracking down recent books each of the two had published. Then I went through web references to them and found agents listed as representing those books. I found two who seemed to be a good match for the suggested editors.
CALLIOPE: Did you query both agents?
JOE: No. As it turns out, both editors are at the same publishing house and both agents are at the same agency. I decided to begin with the agent who seemed to have the strongest connection with the editors. I spent most of the day preparing the best query letter I could as well as revising my synopsis and list of publications. I just put them in the mail.
CALLIOPE: Did you mention your editor friend?
JOE: No. He asked me not to use his name since he did not know the editors personally. I wish I could have.
CALLIOPE: Still it seems you did the best you could. Now what?
JOE: Now I wait. In the mean time it is back to the drawing board with Marital Property.
CALLIOPE: Okay. Let's get to work.

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