Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning, Joe. How's it going?
JOE: I guess okay. Yesterday I wrote Saturday's column for the paper about Rose and Russ. I learned some things writing it that I can use in my book.
CALLIOPE: Such as?
JOE: Such as secrets to staying married. I can use the ignorance of their secrets in writing about my troubled couple.
CALLIOPE: Good. Did you copy your lists from yesterday?
JOE: Yes. They are right here in front of me for inspiration.
CALLIOPE: So what are we going to do today?
JOE: My goal is to better understand the private and social aspects of being a writer. The social part is for getting ideas while the private part is where I write them down. The first question is whether I want my social part to be any different.
CALLIOPE: Well, do you?
JOE: I think I am getting good at getting people to talk about things I would like to include in my writing. I would just like to spend a little more time doing it.
CALLIOPE: Do you have the resources to do so right now?
JOE: I can't afford to travel everywhere I want. But I can take advantage of opportunities which present themselves. For example, I had an e-mail from a forensic accountant who got wind of my blog and volunteered as a resource.
CALLIOPE: The second question is whether your communal self needs to be balanced or enriched.
JOE: Sometimes, but I would not want my community around all the time. I would have to sneak off to write. My ideal commmunity would include people like John Updike, John Irving, Stephen King, Anne Lamott, Julia Cameron, Natalie Goldberg and Heather Sellers.
CALLIOPE: That's quite a group. You don't have them sitting in your parlor but you have most of their books and can ask for their input whenever you want. The third question is who helps you with your writing.
JOE: Excellent point about my support group. My helpers include Carol who keeps me specific and clear in my writing, Gerry who always asks incisive questions, Bob who cheers me on, my column readers who stop me around town and encourage me, Steve who is helping me find a publishing direction, and my writers' group who challenge me and help me stay on target.
CALLIOPE: Anyone else?
JOE: Yourself of course. You have been quietly in the background helping me in ways I don't even know.
CALLIOPE: I'm glad you recognize my help. On with the show.

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