Thursday, November 15, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning, Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning, Joe. How are you this morning?
JOE: Off to a rather slow start. Maybe I am still a bit groggy from my recent trip. It seems hard to get started today.
CALLIOPE: What did you accomplish yesterday?
JOE: I started the next chapter of Marital Property but was not quite into it. I guess taking a break for a few days does not help with continuity.
CALLIOPE: No it doesn't. What else did you do?
JOE: I started doing some research to find agents who had worked with my publishing friend so I could ask him for recommendations to specific agents rather than leaving the work of winnowing them to him.
CALLIOPE: Kind of you. Do you think it is time well spent?
JOE: Yes. He is doing me a favor. It can only help to give him a head start if I can.
CALLIOPE: How's it going?
JOE: Rather slow. I found a couple agents but my research on them indicates that they work only with children's books. I plan to work my way down the list today and see if I can find any who might be willing to work with adult fiction.
CALLIOPE: Sounds like a plan. Anything else going on today?
JOE: Yes, quite a bit. I signed up to exhibit photos in a show at the arts council and need to drop them off today or tomorrow after I get them framed. I have a whole list of things to do. I better get started.
(Sunrise- Batavia, NY)

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