JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you feeling today?
JOE: Much better than yesterday.
JOE: I think I was suffering from writing withdrawal for a while. Yesterday I wrote a column and worked on revisions for Marital Property. By the end of the day I felt like a writer again.
CALLIOPE: Maybe you're right. Writing seems to have gotten into your bones.
JOE: I seem lost without it. I think writing has become part of my identity.
CALLIOPE: What are you working on today?
JOE: I posted my column this morning and started work on Marital Property. I also visited a few writer sites and found I had neglected to post two stories, Child Bride and Or Not To Be on Writer's Cafe. I would like to get them up today as well.
CALLIOPE: You seem to have plenty of irons in the fire.
JOE: Astute observation. It's what keeps me feeling alive. Sometimes I wish I could just relax and not feel pressure to accomplish anything.
CALLIOPE: Why don't you try it?
JOE: Every time I do, I get restless after a day or two as I did this week. I guess I just need to keep busy. Talk with you tomorrow.
(Sunset- Key West)