Monday, September 24, 2007

Conversations with Calliope

Several days ago I was reading David Morrell's book, Lessons from a Lifetime of Writing. He suggested that writers keep a written dialog with themselves about their writing and about their inner workings forming the basis for their best writing. I decided a dialog with myself might be a little boring.

I remembered writing a story, My Muse, some time ago but did not think of her as having a name. However I did like the idea of a feminine presence helping me with my writing. I found a list of the muses and discovered Calliope was the chief muse and might be able to help me with my authority struggles. She is the muse of eloquence for which I have been striving. She is also the muse of epic poetry. I thought back to my fascination with Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales and the works of Michener. Epic poetry seemed about as close as I could get to fiction among the muse specialties.

I decided to start writing my blog as a dialog with Calliope, at least for a while, hence the title Conversations with Calliope. Please join me in my journey if you are interested.

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