Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cooperation or Confrontation

I was reading this morning about the likely presidential candidacy of Barack Obama. The column was by a conservative writer. I was surprised to see enthusiasm on his part for anything smacking of the Democratic Party. After his initial enthusiasm, he went on to list some of his positions which were diametrically opposed to those of conservative Republicans. He wondered how Obama could compromise on these issues. I have been thinking for quite a while that this country needs a person who would listen to others and find ways for us all to cooperate. No one of this nature appeared on the horizen until Mr. Obama came onto the scene. I don't know how he will be able to meld opposite positions and get us to work together. But he is the first politician who has expressed any interest in doing so in recent years. It gives me hope that it will be possible for us as a country to work together again for a change.

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