Friday, February 01, 2008

Conversations with Calliope

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Nice to see you up and about at this hour.
JOE: I had to get to the office to check on a few things before Carol left for work. Anyway, I am here.
CALLIOPE: What did you get done yesterday.
JOE: I worked on my website. In my study of marketing, I found that search engines detest duplicate content on websites. I had the same readings from my books on both websites. Rather than be eschewed, I made the necessary connections to and I think they are both working well but so far have not gotten much feedback.
CALLIOPE: Do you think your sites are the best they can be?
JOE: If you mean do I think they are as effective as they can be, it is only a matter of time and experience. I discovered in my reading that how you set up a site is a matter of trial and error depending on who ends up at your site. All you can do is try something to see if it works and then experiment once in a while to see if another approach works better. I wonder if all advertising and marketing is so idiosyncratic.
CALLIOPE: I don't know. But I do like your use of that nice Greek word at the end of your last sentence.
JOE: So I guess I'm on my own for the time being.
CALLIOPE: I guess so. What else have you been up to?
JOE: I sent out a couple news releases and plan to work on more today. I also discovered that one calls them news releases rather than press releases to honor the sensibilities of those not engaged in print publishing.
CALLIOPE: Its amazing what you learn when you start studying. What about writing?
JOE: I did start a new chapter but didn't have time to finish it.
CALLIOPE: What is your couple up to?
JOE: Creative sex. I left them in the bedroom so I better get back to them before they become too frustrated. Talk to you tomorrow.
(Nineteenth century bedroom- Genesee Country Village, Mumford, NY)

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